102 South Seventh Street
Petersburg, Illinois 62675
2nd Floor, Menard County Courthouse
Phone (217)632-5123
Monday, Wednesday, Friday
8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Tuesday, Thursday
By Appointment Only
The Zoning Deputy is appointed and serves directly under the Board of Commissioners and administers the Menard County Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances. These ordinances apply to the county's unincorporated areas and within villages that do not have their own ordinances. The County does not administer ordinances for the City of Athens, City of Greenview, or the City of Petersburg. If you live within the municipal boundaries of these cities, please get in touch with their offices.
Menard County Comprehensive Plan
Thinking of building, starting a business, planning your estate?
Menard County has a Zoning Ordinance that can be viewed below.
When making plans for your property that fall under the Menard County Zoning Ordinance please consult the Menard County Zoning Officer by calling 217/632-5123 to determine how the ordinance may impact that plan.
Zoning Board of Appeals
The regular meeting of the Zoning Board of Appeals is held the last Thursday of each month at 6 p.m. Appeals must be received by the first Monday of each month for consideration before the Zoning Board of Appeals. Please contact the Menard County Zoning Officer for deadlines and fees.
If you are aware of an infraction relating specifically to zoning, please report it by completing the form provided in the link below.
Coordinator: John Balster
Email: 911coordinator@menardcountyil.gov
Phone: (217)725-3120